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Let us share Christ
with your child...

Hope City  Children Ministry exists to provide an opportunity for children Pre K - 5th Grade to participate actively in worship and Christian Education at their level of understanding. Hope City is not just a place to leave children while parents attend worship but a place to nurture spiritual growth.

Pre K - 5th Grade

We use the Bible Studies for Life as our teaching guide. This series provides age appropriate experiences for kids at every age and stage of development, from our preschool classes to our preteens.  

We make the Bible relevant

This is how a typical
Sunday looks...

1. Let's open with prayer.

2. It's time for snack!

3. Who remembers what we learned last week? 

4. Let's rehearse our theme for the month

5. Today's lesson is going to be exciting. Let's dive in!

6. This activity/video shows us how to live out what we just learned.

7. No, over already?! Let's close with prayer

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