It's that time again. Please register your child for this year's event. Last Day to register will be October 28 at our Fall-O-Ween event.
It's that time again. Please register your child for this year's event. Last Day to register will be October 28 at our Fall-O-Ween event.
It's that time again. Please register your child for this year's event. Last Day to register will be October 28 at our Fall-O-Ween event.
It's that time again. Please register your child for this year's event. Last Day to register will be October 28 at our Fall-O-Ween event.
"We are a fellowship of believers that are experiencing the transforming power of God's love. Through Christ, we are committed to serve as agents of hope for this world. At Bethel Family Worship Center, Everyone is Welcomed at the Table. We are a Christ-centered, Bible believing church that has been doing ministry in Kansas City for a century."
Who We Are
As His Church We Exist to:
Attain Hope Upwardly from Praise, Worship and Adherence to God's Word
Show Hope Inwardly through Fellowship, Love and Discipleship of our Members
Send Hope Outwardly through Evangelism, Service and Grace to our Community
Meaningful Worship
Actively seeking the face of God, celebrating His presence and thereby experience renewal, revival and instruction.
Relevant Preaching
Proclaiming the message of hope and healing that can only be found in Christ and obedience to the principles found in God's word: The Bible
Corporate Prayer
Seeking the heart of God in order to hear and experience the blessing of agreement and obedience.
Making Disciples
Training believers to observe the teaching of the Lord Jesus and to reproduce themselves in others
Leadership Development
Equipping persons to operate in their spiritual gifts and creating opportunities for gift exploration, cultivation and manifestation.
Healthy Families
Reflecting God's passion for whole families by strengthening healthy families and nurturing families in need of support.
Personal Stewardship
Bringing all of our resources under God's government in order that we collectively and individually benefit from the mutuality of the body of Christ.
Healthy Community
Reaching out in Christ like love and meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of unbelievers in Kansas City
We welcome people into our church who are excited or curious about God and are looking for a comfortable yet dynamic place to learn, share and celebrate.
We celebrate in worship events that bring people together to experience the love and presence of God in a way this is authentic and attractive.
We reflect God's passion and concern for families and provide a place where families are welcomed, nurtured, strengthened and brought to wholeness.
We help people discover God's vision and design for their lives; assisting their growth and development toward carrying out their life purpose. We believe that every person is uniquely designed by God and by helping each one discover their gifts we are all enriched together
We provide a place where people can come and be healed not judge. It is a place where people find friendship, hope, restoration and love
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Our Time: Jesus spent His time on earth serving (Mark 10:45). Consequently, we are encouraged to do the same. Therefore, we are to spend a portion of our time in service and prayer for each other, showing hospitality, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ to the dying world.
Our Talent: The Body of Christ (God’s Church) consists of many parts known as “gifts” or “talents”. When used according to the Will of God, they create a symphony of service to the Lord (I Corinthians 12). It is God who distributes the gifts and His church uses those gifts to glorify Him (I Peter 4:10).
Our Tithe: We recognize that it is the Lord that gives us the power to gain wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). Therefore, giving at least 10% of our income is a biblical standard that we use to show appreciation for what God has given us. When we withhold that which belongs to God, we are considered robbers and therefore under a curse. However, when followed, God promises a bounty of continued blessings that overflow in our lives (Malachi 3:6-12).